What is a Composed object

What is a Composed object

von Ghilas Belkaci -
Anzahl Antworten: 9

Dear CG lab Team,

Are we allowed to use a .obj file to create the manually composed object (that consists of multiple scene graph nodes), or do we have to create it (as the robot in Lab)

Best regards

Als Antwort auf Ghilas Belkaci

Re: What is a Composed object

von Philipp Kern -
You should create it on your own and it should significantly differ from the robot created in the lab.

Best regards
Als Antwort auf Philipp Kern

Re: What is a Composed object

von Ghilas Belkaci -

Thank you for your answer, so we are not allowed to use an .obj file in the project ?

Best regards
Als Antwort auf Ghilas Belkaci

Re: What is a Composed object

von Marc Streit -

You can use obj files if you want to, but you won't get any points for it.

Best regards,
Marc Streit

Als Antwort auf Marc Streit

Re: What is a Composed object

von Katharina Sternbauer -

just so I get this right: The composed object should not use any obj-files, also not for the different scene graph nodes?
Therefore we should create this object similarly to what we already did in the labs with the robot? With the exception of course that we should not create something that is like the robot.
Als Antwort auf Katharina Sternbauer

Re: What is a Composed object

von Marc Streit -

Hello Mr. Sternbauer,

You can import obj-files for building the composed object. The point here is that you demonstrate how to handle the matrix manipulations when animating parts of the objects. In contrast, the hand-crafted object should not be created via modeling tools like Blender because this part is about demonstrating that you are able to create a single object with the correct properties (i.e., normals that are needed for the shading). I tried to clarify this by slightly extending the description on the moodle page:

Hand-crafted object
Create one scene graph node that renders a hand-crafted 3D shape (5-25 vertices; not a cube, sphere, quad, or loaded model). Fully specify properties for this object, i.e., vertices, normals, and texture coordinates. This object must not be imported from external object files created via modeling tools like Blender. However, you are free to use imported objects for other parts of your scene.

Best regards,
Marc Streit

Als Antwort auf Marc Streit

Re: What is a Composed object

von Katharina Sternbauer -
Thanks for the answer. I was a bit confused about "You can use obj files if you want to, but you won't get any points for it." and thought this also means that thee composed object consisting ob obj-files would result in lost points. Thanks for the clarification.
Als Antwort auf Marc Streit

Re: What is a Composed object

von Ghilas Belkaci -
Dear Professor,
Sorry to insist because now i'm a bit confused.
If we use an .obj file for the composed object that will not result in lost points ?

Best regards
Als Antwort auf Ghilas Belkaci

Re: What is a Composed object

von Jonathan Kudlich -
Exactly. What is important to note is the difference between the composed object (must be multiple SG-nodes, can use .obj files) and the hand-crafted object (may be a single SG-node, must not contain .obj-files).

I hope that clears up your confusion.

Kind regards,
Jonathan Kudlich