Question about camera animation

Question about camera animation

von Gregor Lang -
Anzahl Antworten: 3

When translating the camera via the Animation class the matrix transformation affects all 3 vectors (up, target and position) similarly. 

Is this intended? Or should we come up with a solution on our own? 


Als Antwort auf Gregor Lang

Re: Question about camera animation

von Jonathan Kudlich -

This is intended behavior and should look and behave as expected, at least as long as you only use translations and rotations on the camera. (This is very similar to translating/rotating a quad or triangle, where every transformation means that each of the vertices is multiplied with the transformation matrix individually, resulting in transforming the entire object.)

Kind Regards,
Jonathan Kudlich

P.S.: Keep in mind that for the purpose of animations, the "starting point" of the camera is at (0,0,0) facing the positive z-axis, and also that rotations you perform after translating the camera will still rotate the camera around the origin point, not its current center.
Als Antwort auf Jonathan Kudlich

Re: Question about camera animation

von Gregor Lang -

As i understand, the first part should move the camera backwards by 15 units and upwards by 2 units over the course of 2 seconds. This works as expected. The second part should move it to the right by 5 units, which it also does but the camera also rotates to the right. Shouldn't the up vector be unaffected when translating?

Als Antwort auf Gregor Lang

Re: Question about camera animation

von Jonathan Kudlich -
Yes, that was a minor mistake on my part.
Thank you very much for reporting this bug, it should now be fixed! lächelnd