Lecture Slides

Lecture Slides

von Maximilian Hageneder -
Anzahl Antworten: 7

It would be nice to get the slides of the latest lectures if this is possible.

best regards

Als Antwort auf Maximilian Hageneder

Re: Lecture Slides

von Johannes Kofler -
I have asked the speakers of lectures 4 and 5 already. In case / as soon as I get slides, I will put them online.
Als Antwort auf Johannes Kofler

Re: Lecture Slides

von Mihaela-Liliana Patrau -
Hallo, who can me help find the requirement from the ex and assignment?
I alway have this problem is someting specific where i can find it?
BG Mihaela Patrau
Als Antwort auf Mihaela-Liliana Patrau

Re: Lecture Slides

von Mihaela-Liliana Patrau -

So I mean I m not able to see what is the requirements from exercise and assignments.

when I click assignment 1,2,3,..it .just open to upload  the documents ( solution) it is  not about what we suppose to do .....what ist the questions from the exercise that we have to find the solution.

This i don't find the questions that I have to answer and be able to send the solution.

Als Antwort auf Mihaela-Liliana Patrau

Re: Lecture Slides

von Johannes Kofler -
Everything is explained in the section „Grading/Assignments“.
Als Antwort auf Johannes Kofler

Re: Lecture Slides

von Mihaela-Liliana Patrau -
Thank you for the answer, but in that section ,,grading..." i did t find nothing maybe if u like can you send me a link to that section if is that possible .
I dont know if i was explicit but there is just saing basic ... only about what you have to do at all the point off the assignmet.
me i want to each excercise the requirement exacly what is ask to do !

thank you.
BG Mihaela
Als Antwort auf Mihaela-Liliana Patrau

Re: Lecture Slides

von Johannes Kofler -

I do not understand the problem. Read the Moodle page of this course. There you find all the relevant information.