Lecture recording May 28 not working

Lecture recording May 28 not working

von Jonas Reichhardt -
Anzahl Antworten: 4


I tried watching the lecture of the 28th of May but it did not work out neither in Firefox nor in Chrome. 

Since I had problems in the past with my local multimedia codecs not working in my browsers I would like to know if the error is on my machine or not.

Thanks in advance,

Als Antwort auf Jonas Reichhardt

Re: Lecture recording May 28 not working

von Jakob Aschauer -
I am also not able to watch the lecture recording of the 28th of May. It seems to be a permission problem, if I open the link of the embedded video directly it says my user has to permission to access, for the other recording doing the same it shows the video.
Als Antwort auf Jakob Aschauer

Re: Lecture recording May 28 not working

von Adriano Vogel -
Dear Jonas and Jakob,
We are checking what could be the issue.
