Assignment 3, TSP: Implementation/Benchmarks

Assignment 3, TSP: Implementation/Benchmarks

par Michael Haas,
Nombre de réponses : 1


I have a question regarding benchmarking / implementation of the alternative B (TSP) from assignment 3. Should the manager thread do only manager functions or do some "computational work" as well. I guess only manager functions, so should we therefore do benchmarking for 2,3,5,9 etc. threads to make it comparable to the first assignment. For the graphical representation should the ideal speedup for 2 threads (manager and 1 worker thread) already be 2 or should it begin with 1.

Kind regards

Michael Haas

En réponse à Michael Haas

Re: Assignment 3, TSP: Implementation/Benchmarks

par Wolfgang Schreiner,

The manager process needs not perform any computational task. Please calculate the speedup with respect to the number of worker processes only, i.e., for e.g. P=7 start one manager process and 7 worker processes. Better use P=7,15,31,etc. such that the P+1 processes utilize full blades (alternatively, since the manager is presumably mostly idle, you might also pin the manager and the first worker to the same core and use P=8,16,32,...).