
General Information


“UE Software Engineering“ is held in parallel to “VO Software Engineering”. A team of at 5 people has to conduct a project applying state-of-the-art Software Engineering methods on a concrete practical example. Every participant has to take over a pre-defined subsystem project that should be functional on an isolated basis. At the end of the term, each of subsystem projects should work together to form one big system of systems. For example, in the aviation domain, you need the software for a plane but also for the ground control. Each of them can work isolated and was developed by different teams, but they still manage to get you from Vienna to London. 

Moodle for Course Organization

If you are successfully enrolled in the course in KUSSS, you will automatically be enrolled in the corresponding course in Moodle. If, for any reason, you are not automatically added to the Moodle course, try to enroll yourself before sending an email to the lecturer.  

All exercises, info, submissions, and grades will be handled via Moodle.

Exercise Submissions

Create a ZIP-archive of your documents. Name the File following pattern “group code id_project number_milestone number.zip”.

For example: 343.302_Drone-Project-3_M1.2.zip (=milestone 1.2 of team 2 Drone-Project-3 in group 343.302)

The submission deadline will be announced via moodle so be sure to check it out. Please note that this is a strict deadline. Neither Moodle nor the lecturers will allow for a later submission. Non-group milestones have to be submitted by everyone, group milestones should only be submitted by one person. If no group submission is made, the group fails the course. If no non-group submission is made the individual person fails the course, but the team has to notify the lecturer about the changes within the team.

UML Tool

Use Eclipse Papyrus to model the use-cases. You can download Eclipse with Papyrus from


and further tutorials can be found under


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