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Goal of the Course

This master course aims to harmonize the different educational backgrounds of the international students in the master’s program “Management in Polymer Technologies (MPT)”. Basic engineering tasks are presented and used to repeat the essential, mainly mathematical and mechanical calculations required as fundamental knowledge of polymeric materials for other courses in this master’s program.

Literature and further Information


•Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler Band 1, L. Papula,14.Auflage, Springer Vieweg
•Technische Mechanik, A. Böge, 31. Auflage, Springer Vieweg
•Technische Mechanik Band 1-4, Gross, Hauger, Schröder, Wall, 11. Auflage, Springer Vieweg
•Das Ingenieurwissen, Hütte, 34. Auflage, 2012


•Engineering Mathematics with Examples and Applications, X. S. Yang, 2017, Elsevier
•Structural and Stress Analysis, T.H.G. Megson, 2005
•Technische Mechanik – Engineering Mechanics, S. Kessel, 2. Auflage, Springer Vieweg
•Mechanics of Solid Polymers, J. Bergström, 2015

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