
Curriculum: Bachelorstudium Informatik, Details im Studienhandbuch
Sprache: Deutsch

Kontakt: IPC Teaching Team

  • Fully digital
  • Slides, additional material and assignments and recordings online in Moodle
  • Regular Q&A sessions, will be announced in Moodle
  • Required days of physical presence: 2 (for collecting and returning equipment, no postal shipping!)
Moodle course for:
  • 340.410, UE Embedded and Pervasive Systems, Martin Schobesberger, 2021S (2021S340410)
  • 340.411, UE Embedded and Pervasive Systems, Martin Schobesberger, 2021S (2021S340411)
  • 340.412, UE Embedded and Pervasive Systems, Martin Schobesberger, 2021S (2021S340412)
  • 340.413, UE Embedded and Pervasive Systems, Martin Schobesberger, 2021S (2021S340413)
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