
Study plan: Bachelor's programme Artificial Intelligence, Details in the study guide
Language: English, Programming language: Python

Contact: IPC Teaching Team

How is the content provided in summer term 2021?

  • fully digital, recordings available in Moodle (for full semester)
  • Slides and assignments online in Moodle
  • There will be Q&A sessions via Zoom for each video/assignment
  • No recordings of the Q&A sessions
  • Evaluation: assessment of the assignments
Moodle course for:
  • 340.210, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340210)
  • 340.211, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340211)
  • 340.212, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340212)
  • 340.213, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340213)
  • 340.214, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340214)
  • 340.215, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340215)
  • 340.216, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Dari Borisov Trendafilov, 2021S (2021S340216)
  • 340.217, UE Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Stefan Grünberger, 2021S (2021S340217)
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