Enrolment options

Programming language: Python.
  • 340.320, UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, Abdelrahman Ahmad, 2020W (2020W340320)
  • 340.321, UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, Abdelrahman Ahmad, 2020W (2020W340321)
  • 340.322, UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, N.N. N.N., 2020W (2020W340322) cancelled
  • 340.323, UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, N.N. N.N., 2020W (2020W340323) cancelled
  • 340.324, UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, Abdelrahman Ahmad, 2020W (2020W340324)
How is the content provided?
  • Mode: fully digital, recording available in Moodle (for full semester)
  • Slides and assignments online in Moodle
  • There will be Q&A sessions via Zoom for each video/assignment
  • No recordings of the Q&A sessions

What are the evaluation criteria?
  • regular online assignments in Moodle
Required days of physical presence: 0
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