Änderung Framework.js

Änderung Framework.js

par Manuel Leitner,
Nombre de réponses : 1


I needed one change of the framework:
In RenderSGNode.modelRenderer I need to use 32 bits for the index as i have more than 2^16 points.
So use the 
OES_element_index_uint extension.
And change the framework:
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint
32Array(model.index), gl.STATIC_DRAW);

As some moodle posting says changes of the framework are not allowed, but can that be adapted in the framework.

I also added touch support to UserControlledCamera, if you are interested.

Thank you
Manuel Leitner

En réponse à Manuel Leitner

Re: Änderung Framework.js

par Klaus Eckelt,

That's fine, thanks. Please just add this post at the end of the REDAME.

Best regards,
Klaus Eckelt