

par Marc Streit,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear Computer Graphics students,

Welcome to this year’s CG lab course! 

The CG lab is a mandatory Bachelor course in which attendance in the lab sessions is compulsory. Please note that students who are not present in the first lab without a legitimate excuse will be unregistered from the course.

The assignment to groups has been finished and can be inspected in the KUSSS system. We had to redistribute some students (who registered last) to other groups. As the lab sessions will be handled remotely, the assignment of students to particular groups is less strict. If you cannot attend your regular slot, feel free to join one of the other sessions. 

Please also note that the tutorials for the 7th session are not statically assigned to specific groups. Based on your interests, you can choose between attending a Q&A session where we can discuss questions related to your project, or an introduction to CUDA. You can also attend both sessions.

For communication, you can use the Moodle forum or write an email to cg-lab@jku.at. Please don’t contact the group leaders individually. This helps us to ensure a speedy reply from our side.

We are looking forward to working with you in the upcoming semester!

Best regards,
the CG-team


Prof. Dr. Marc Streit

Institute of Computer Graphics
Altenberger Strasse 69
Computer Science Building, Room 0357
4040 Linz, Austria

P +43 732 2468 6635 (assistant: -6630)
marc-streit.com | jku.at