Assignment 1 and Presentations on April 23

Assignment 1 and Presentations on April 23

by Wolfgang Schreiner -
Number of replies: 0

Thank you for your submissions, I inspected them and gave preliminary grades (the final grading will be given after the presentations). As for these presentations, we will have them in the classroom on Tuesday, April 23, 8:30-10:00. Specifically I ask for the following presentations which give a good overview over the various solution attempts:

  • Florian Schwarcz (Traveling Salesman, C++, 8:30)
  • Martin Weichselbaumer (Traveling Salesman, C++, 8:45)
  • Christoph Aigner (Traveling Salesman, Java, 9:00)
  • Daniel Lindhuber (Gaussian Elimination, C++, 9:15)
  • Paul Blume (Gaussian Elimination, C++, 9:30)
  • Felix Schmid (Gaussian Elimination, C++, 9:45)
Please prepare a 10 min presentation with a couple of slides, demonstrating the main points of your parallel implementation, your benchmarks, and your interpretations (you may assume that everyone knows the problem to be solved, no need to explain this any more). Then we have 5 mins for discussions. Please bring your own laptop and ensure before the class starts that it works with the beamer.
I expect that all students (also those not presenting) participate in the lecture for its full duration. If you expect problems, please inform me.