Topic outline

  • Welcome to the Global Business Studies at the JKU Business School!

    • This Moodle page is for you if you are:

      • nominated for any of the Global Business Studies at JKU Business School (ACT, PAC)
      • exchange student in the MGB program from one of the partner universities (CENTRUM PUCP, NSYSU, UVic)

  • ACT - Path 1

    • In case you have been nominated for the ACT program at the JKU Business School you find your step-by-step guide from admission at JKU through program information such as scholarships, accommodation in different countries etc. ... to navigate this section you can click through step-by-step or use the lesson menu bar on the right hand side.

      Please reach out via if some information you are looking for is not available, thank you!

    • If you are an exchange student at JKU in the MGB program from either UVic or NSYSU please find all relevant information here about your time at JKU Business School in Austria, Linz. To navigate this section you can click through step-by-step or use the lesson menu bar on the right hand side.

      Please reach out via if some information you are looking for is not available, thank you!

    • If your home university is JKU Business School but you think about/are enrolled in the dual degree at NSYSU.

  • PAC - Path 3

    • In case you have been nominated for the PAC program at the JKU Business School you find your step-by-step guide from admission at JKU through program information such as scholarships, accommodation in different countries etc. ... to navigate this section you can click through step-by-step or use the lesson menu bar on the right hand side.

      Please reach out via if some information you are looking for is not available, thank you!

    • If you are an exchange student at JKU in the MGB program from either UVic or CENTRUM PUCP please find all relevant information here about your time at JKU Business School in Austria, Linz. To navigate this section you can click through step-by-step or use the lesson menu bar on the right hand side.

      Please reach out via if some information you are looking for is not available, thank you!

    • If your home university is JKU Business School but you think about/are enrolled in the dual degree at CENTRUM PUCP.

  • JKU BUS students - Study completion and graduation

    • 1. Master thesis completion
      Master Thesis Writing in General
      Depending on the preferred field (Marketing, Strategy, Finance, Leadership etc.) for the Master Thesis all PAC students can chose freely the institute where to write the Master Thesis. However, many students decide to chose my institute (Institute of Innovation Management, ifi) as we have adjusted our supervision approach to the Global Business Master program.
      The Master Thesis Seminar is normally done at the institute where you write the Master Thesis. If you decide for an external supervisor (other institute than ifi) and he/she is ok with the fact that you do the master thesis seminar at ifi, you are welcome to join the group of students presenting and discussing their Master Thesis with us.
      Master Thesis Seminar at the Institute of Innovation Management (ifi)
      The MT Seminar is offered every semester but it is assigned to different Global Business Tracks in the summer and winter term. That is the reason why you may be confused about not finding the course in the coming winter semester 24/25. Students can start with the seminar every semester and complete the seminar whenever they are ready to hand in the Master Thesis.
      The MT Seminar at ifi has to be done beside working on the Master Thesis. Students should start the seminar, when they are starting to write on their Master Thesis. The Seminar is graded once the Master Thesis is nearly finished. Thus stating and completing the seminar might not be happening in the same semester (e.g. (you start the Seminar and Master Thesis writing in October 2024 and complete the Master Thesis and the MT Seminar in March 2025). The planned dates are always announced on the Moodle page of the Master Thesis Seminar. Students signed up, get the dates emailed as well.
      The MT Seminar at ifi is offered ONLINE only. The reason for the online course is that Global Business students are normally spread all over the globe while attending the course and writing and completing the thesis.
      Master Thesis Writing at other JKU Business School Institute
      Some supervisors at JKU Busiess School prefer that students writing the Master Thesis with them should attend the MT seminar with them or at their institute (e.g. Institute of Strategic Management) other Institutes are more flexible (e.g. Institute of Leadership and Change Management). Please check the preference with your preferred supervisor.
      2. Completion of your degree

      Degree completion - Business -> Examination Roster: 066 995 or 066 978

      3. Graduation ceremony

      Commencement Ceremonies - JKU Business School: the website mentions that you need to "have official status as a graduate at the time of registration (please contact the Office of Examinations & Recognition Services in this matter)."
      In case your Master thesis is already graded and you wonder whether you can sign up for the upcoming graduation ceremony, please contact the Office of Examinations & Recognition Services, in german Püfungs- und Anerkennungsservice.

  • MGB JKU Business School Alumni

    • Upon completing the International Phase of the MGB program as a JKU Business School student you gain access to the closed Alumni Group at JKU Business School on LinkedIn.

      You can request membership earlier into the group, it will be granted upon the completion of the international phase.

      In case you are an alumni of the partner universities, please get in touch with your respective university to include you in their alumni network.